Budleigh Bowls Club opened their Outdoor Rinks on Saturday 20th April, and 40 members enjoyed a sunny and warm afternoon of bowls. 2 competitions were played, the first of which was a Spider competition. This involves the Jack being placed in the centre of the Green and the players stand around the outside perimeter with a single Wood. The Woods are all released at the same time and the winner is the player whose Wood ends up closest to the Jack. Several Woods came to a rest within inches of the Jack and, after a measure, the Wood belonging to Nick Jones was declared the Winner. The Members then played a Round Robin Competition in teams of 4, with the 10 teams playing each other over 2 Ends. After nearly 3 hours of the play the winning team by a margin of only 2 Shots was Robin Grenyer (Skip), Andrew Baker, Evelyn Crook and Margaret Ringsell. "Considering the volume of rain over recent weeks, the Green was remarkably dry, and I want to thank our groundsman Mark Perrett and his team for all their hard work that enabled us to play." On 16th April the bowlers played their final Indoor competitions of the season. The morning competition was won by the team of Margaret Alverez, Peter Caspar, Chris Woodward, and Anne Workman. In the afternoon, the winners were the team of Clive Paul, David Owen, Mike Turff, and Stuart White. “I would like to thank Budleigh Bowls Club for hosting our weekly sessions, which have proven to be very popular and enjoyable. Tony Mackness and Mike Clark have ensured the sessions run very smoothly and have provided valuable assistance to the many new bowlers who have joined the group”. Another very successful quiz last night. The proud winners are displaying the wonderful shiny new trophy. The Indian meal went down very well and the quizmaster did a superb job of compiling the questions again and keeping us all in order and entertained. There were a couple of contentious questions, but he managed to quash the mutiny before it really took hold. Thanks to all for a lovely fun evening, to Kath and Tim for serving the food and to Deirdre and Tony for their help in organising the diners.
Congratulations to all the winners of our 2024 Internal Competitions and thank you to everyone taking part.
January 2025
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